Contemplative by nature and a fan of long hikes, Alexandre Jouan chose to explore Japan by walking the 1,200 km pilgrimage of the 88 temples on the island of Shikoku, a journey that dates back to the Heian period. đź—ľÂ
He recounts this exceptional adventure, both human and spiritual, in the book “Shikoku, corps et âme”, which has just been published by Éditions AmalthĂ©e. He had previously contributed to the chapter dedicated to Shikoku in the guide “Fabuleux Japon” , published by Éditions Ulysse.
Passionate about classical literature and ancient arts, Alexandre has been studying the Way of Writing (ShodĹŤ) for many years with Master Shoho Teramoto. He participated in the exhibition “QuĂ©bec, Japon et moi”, which showcased the works of Master Teramoto and his students, held in QuĂ©bec last September at the Galerie du Trait-CarrĂ© in Charlesbourg. A second exhibition, featuring new works, is currently underway at the Ozu Washi Gallery in Tokyo.
Come and discover his great adventure at his panel! 🚶