Precision about IA
Hello everyone,
After receiving a few questions about IA we want to specify that what we will be showing you is the official video of her first live performance.
IA at Nadeshicon
Komachi Montréal
Hello everyone,
Komachi Montréal will be with us once again!
Komachi Montréal is a Japanese folkloric cultural dance group that was created in 2007. They mainly perform in the Montreal region, but also in Québec, New-York and Ottawa. The purpose of their show is to make you live great moments through Japanese traditional dancing and taiko (a Japanese drum) performance. They will also share their passion for dancing with you by presenting a small workshop about Japanese dancing. Come in great numbers to share this festive energy and dance with them!
Con Turnabout
Hello everyone,
Con Turnabout will be here to offer us the chance to solve a new case !
From 2010 onward, the Con Turnabout troupe has been presenting an interactive stageplay that mixes the Ace Attorney universe to that of other video games or animes. With the help of talented actors, writers, directors, multidisciplinary artists, and a horde of passionate fans, the troupe offers a unique experience.
In order to solve the cases’ mysteries, a few spectators are invited on stage and asked to use their sense of deduction to assist our lawyers. With over 17 different scenarios under their belt, Con Turnabout is innovating once again; this year with a new and improved formula outside of the courtroom. For the first time, you will be able to assist in a pre-trial event where you will have to put together your wits and knowledge to assist with the investigation! Participating in this event will surely improve your chances at getting a “Not Guilty!” verdict when you show up in court.
This year at Nadeshicon 2016, it will be Aang, the last airbender’s turn to be put on trial. Will you be able to clear Aang of Katara’s murder charges and prove yourself worthy of the legendary defense attorney Phoenix Wright?
Preorders are open!
Hello Everyone,
First of all, we want to thanks all of those who came to our Maid Café last sunday and all the maids and butler that were there to help us!
Our second new is that our preorder service is now open! It is avaible here:
Maid Café Menu

General Assembly
Maid Café

L’orchestre portable de jeux vidéo

Otakuthon needs you!
Otakuthon will put together an activity at the Montréal joue festival and they are looking for volunteer cosplayers! If you are interested, write at [email protected]. Please note that the activity will be outdoor!