Guest of honour unveiled!
Director, voice director, voice actor, writer, and best friend a certain hero clad in green could ever ask for, James D. Mortellaro is a man of many, many talents especially known for his work in the video games industry. With titles such as Hitman, Horizon Zero Dawn, Final Fantasy and, more recently, 2017 Game of the Year winner The Legend of Zelda : Breath of the Wild on his resume, James has a vast and deep understanding of what happens both in front and behind the microphone, on top of his experience in various different yet close disciplines, like copywriting, improv, and cinema.
Whether you’re interested in what goes into bringing a video game world to life, or you are curious about the ins and outs of voice work more specifically, or maybe simply just have fond memories of the titles he has worked on, don’t miss out on this chance to learn about all the passion that goes into this craft from one of the pillars of the industry.
Head over to the Guests section to read James’s bio.