Karaoke with our friends at Otakuthon !
Congratulations to Otakuthon for this beautiful edition which gathered 23,226 anime fans in Montreal.
If you think that the convention has gone too fast, do as Yurika and Yatsumi and join us at the next Festival Nadeshicon.
Come celebrate the Japanese culture at the Québec City Convention Center from March 29 to 31, 2019!
The mascots from Otakuthon, Yurika and Yatsumi, singing with enthousiasm in unison with Nadeshiko and Saito!
Art created by : Kunyue
Otakuthon mascots used with permission.
Happy Canada Day and good luck to those who are moving today!
Art created by : Kunyue
Art created by : Kunyue
Presentation of the next theme for Festival Nadeshicon 2019!
Speaking of the 2018 edition, we received word concerning the final count of attendees! We were approximately 2350 in Pavillon Desjardins-Pollack during that weekend, discovering and spreading the love for Japanese culture and its various aspects! Thank you so very much!
While all the organizers, staff, guests, merchants, artists and atteendees rest after a lively year, Nadeshiko and Saito are already getting ready for what’s coming next…
The theme for the 2019 edition of Festival Nadeshicon is Japanese mythology!
Art created by : Kunyue