Nadeshicon Idol 2020 was not held
Unfortunately, the recording of the Nadeshicon Idol 2020 competition that was due today won’t be published, as the Idol itself was not held due to a lack of contenders.
Don’t let that get you down though; there are big news coming in the next few days!
Registration for Nadeshicon Idol 2020 ends in 2 days!
All your time and energy were spent practicing for your song and would-you-look-at-the-time the deadline is in 2 days! Fear not, it’s not too late to fill the form and send it our way. Head on over to the Idol page before your vocal chords take over again.
Participate in the online version of Nadeshicon idol!
Nadeshicon 2020 might not have seen the light of day, but that won’t stop its Idol from reaching for the stars. Say hi to Nadeshicon Idol: Online edition!
In this new format, auditions will be held online on December 6, with recordings of the performances being uploaded on December 13. Make sure to take care of those vocal chords in the cold!
Already know the perfect japanese song to pour your passion into? Read the rules and submit the form by November 29!
Virtual cosplay contest!
Nadeshicon may have been cancelled, but the efforts you put in creating your cosplay remain. As part of the Virtual Cosplay Parade, GeeKawaii nation is hosting a virtual cosplay contest in which you can show the world the result of all your work!
Given the virtual nature of the contest, your craftsmanship will not be evaluated. The contest instead focuses on how you present your cosplay and your character, whether it’s an original character or a character from a published work! Let it inhabit you, and take to the stage (at home of course)!
Several prizes will be offered, some of which simply for participating. Head over to the Virtual Cosplay Parade Facebook group to find the form and details of the contest!
T-shirts to commemorate Nadeshicon 2020!

You have until April 9 to buy your own Nadeshicon 2020 shirt and remember the convention that never was! Given the circumstances, however, you will need to collect your items in one of two ways:
- At our table at Otakuthon. Please let us know so that we know to bring your shirt, and don’t forget to bring your proof of purchase!
- At Club Anime Québec or in downtown Quebec City. Please book an appointment to that effect by contacting us at [email protected] once social distancing measures are lifted!
Of course, please only order a t-shirt if you are comfortable financially. To order yours, visit the Tickets page.
If you have the means to, we also encourage you to support the artists and merchants who are normally present at conventions. A Facebook group was created for that very purpose, and we put together a page on our website listing the exhibitors who would have been at Nadeshicon 2020:
Thank you very much, and stay safe!
Crunchyroll Contest!
Isolation doesn’t have to be boring! With Crunchyroll, you get to explore countless worlds and live many experiences you otherwise wouldn’t be able to, all while not leaving the comfort of your home!
As luck would have it, Crunchyroll is currently offering a free 30 days trial period, no contest or code needed!
What’s that? 30 days is not nearly enough? Fear not, we got you covered! We have 8 codes to give out across Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, some granting you 30 days of free premium, some others 90 days, and you can use those even if you already have a Crunchyroll subscription! Here’s how you participate: recommend an anime series in the comments on those platforms. Yes, that’s all!
The contest ends on Monday, March 23 at 8pm. Winners will then be drawn randomly amongst participants and notified in the comments. Limit of one entry per person per platform.
Good luck, and enjoy that free trial period!
Introducing the virtual dealers room!
The cancellation of Nadeshicon 2020 and other similar events has had several repercussions across the community. Amongst them, artists and merchants whose livelihood depends heavily on such events were, without a doubt, hit the hardest. That is why we decided to join forces with Illustration Pinkviviz and built the Nadeshicon 2020 virtual dealers room!
This dealers room has two wings. The first one, which represents our contribution to the cause, is a page on our website listing the artists, merchants and guests who were meant to have a booth in the dealers room at Nadeshicon 2020 along with a link to their respective shop or online store.
The second wing is a Facebook group created by Pinkviviz allowing for a more direct exchange between you and the dealers from various events including ours!
Fair warning: you will fall in love with several items, and we claim no responsibility for it 😉
Refunds have been completed!
We just finished refunding merchants, artists, and pre-orders a few minutes ago. You should have received it via the Paypal account you used to make the transaction.
If you don’t seem to have received yours, contact us at [email protected]. Please include your name, the email adress used in the transaction, and, if possible, the confirmation email you received when pre-ordering.
In regards to the financial state of Nadeshicon and the decision not to postpone the event
Now that dust has settled a bit, we would like to take the time to adress a few things. But first, we would like to extend a gigantic thank you for all the love you’ve shown us in the last 24 hours. We are deeply touched by your kindess and could not hope for a better community.
In regard to our financial state, honestly, the title of this post probably made it sound way too ominous. We were very lucky considering the circumstances, and have only suffered minimal losses due to the cancellation. Many planned expenses were in that sense just about to go through, while some others were thankfully refundable. We still appreciate the various offers to donate fees originally paid for either badge pre-orders or dealers room space rental, and would like to thank you for your generosity in that regard.
With that being said, not all are as lucky as we are. Many artists and merchants have incurred large fees for producing goods they won’t be able to sell at the event, or their business model simply relies heavily on conventions. In order to help them, we encourage you to support the artists and merchants who were going to be part of the event. We are also working on a little project to help in that sense, so stay tuned~
We cannot help but also think of other entities affected by this situation. Specifically, Costume-Con 38 in Montreal was to be held this weekend and, as such, have likely been hit much harder than we have. Please show them all of your love as well, since, unlike a virus, there’s no harm in spreading that around.
And we’ve arrived at the elephant in the room: the decision not to postpone Nadeshicon 2020. While we know a lot of you were heartbroken by this decision, there were many reasons that led us to make this choice. First, but by no means the least, was the sheer amount of work that would have to be redone in a much shorter time. An event such as ours takes several months to plan and put together, and squeezing it proved to be too monumental a task. The second main factor is intimately linked to the first: in order to hold the various activities and even plan them, we require a physical space. With yesterday’s announcement, establishments like the Convention Centre have their work cut out for them, which in no way facilitates the rental of the necessary rooms to hold an event in the middle of the high season at such a short delay. And, even if these stars were to somehow align, we would still run the risk of the current situation extending until then. As such, we chose to turn the page on this year and look to the future instead.
We understand your frustration in regards to the current situation, and know it is a byproduct of your love for our event. We hope you understand the various factors that led us to make the choices we made. Again, thank you for your incredible support, and we hope to see you again some other time. Until then, despite the original post aging like fine milk on a warm counter, don’t forget to protect Raphtalia and sing for 20 seconds while washing you hands!
Nadeshicon 2020 is canceled
We are deeply saddened to announce that Nadeshicon 2020 is officially cancelled, and will, as such, not be reported to a later date in the year. We will contact everyone concerning refunds in the near future.
Thank you so much for all of your support, and make sure to stay healthy for next time!