Karaoke with our friends at Otakuthon !
Congratulations to Otakuthon for this beautiful edition which gathered 23,226 anime fans in Montreal.
If you think that the convention has gone too fast, do as Yurika and Yatsumi and join us at the next Festival Nadeshicon.
Come celebrate the Japanese culture at the Québec City Convention Center from March 29 to 31, 2019!
The mascots from Otakuthon, Yurika and Yatsumi, singing with enthousiasm in unison with Nadeshiko and Saito!
Art created by : Kunyue
Otakuthon mascots used with permission.
Otakuthon 2019
Come see our new keychains with our mascots at Otakuthon! They’ll be with us this weekend at the booth #212! Props to Kunyue for the design, also go check out her booth #464!
Art created by : Kunyue
Panel form now available!
For the longest time, you’ve had this nagging theory about how birds are represented in J.C. Staff productions, and you believe it’s finally time to share it with the world? Or maybe, ever since you found out about Kantai Collection, you’ve been researching everything there is to know about ships and sailing, and wish to discuss it with fellow passionates? Or, who knows, you might have found this alternative tarot that’s unique to Japan, and wish to teach it to new apprentices?
Why not become a panelist! Be it in the form of a panel or a workshop, panelists share and teach what drives them, what they truly love about Japan and its complex culture with fellows fans and others who wish to know more about it.
Sounds cool? Head on over to the Get Involved page to fill the online form!
Tickets now on sale for A New World: Quebec City!
Whether you live in Quebec City or are just visiting for our festival, you may be very pleased to hear that A New World: intimate music from Final Fantasy is going to be performing at Palais Montcalm on the Saturday of the con! Only 20 minutes away via bus from the con, the concert may offer you a well-deserved break from the hype of the event, while also taking you to the magical and beautiful worlds of one of gaming’s most beloved franchises.
You may find the event page of the Quebec city show here.
Post-mortem of the 2017 edition!
Taking on the form of a exhaustive review of all the different aspects of the festival, the post-mortem meeting for the 2017 edition will be taking place on April 30th, starting at noon, in room 3105 of Pavillon Desjardins-Pollack on the Université Laval campus. If you would like to join us in giving us your comments and suggestions, we will be there for several hours, so you are welcome to do so!
Speaking of the 2017 edition, we received word concerning the final count of attendees! We were approximately 2300 in Pavillon Desjardins-Pollack during that weekend, discovering and spreading the love for Japanese culture and its various aspects! Thank you so very much!
Talent Competition hosted by Japan Festival Canada!
As part of the celebrities surrounding the 150th anniversary of the Canadian Confederation, Japan Festival Canada is hosting a talent contest with, as its grand prize, a trip to Japan which includes a Japan Debut for the winner, and the opportunity to perform at various Canada-Japan events! Head over to their website to find more information about the contest and how to participate.
Final hour
And so the 7th official edition, which was on the theme of luck, comes to a close! So many activities, guests, shows, screenings and panels all more memorable than the next.
The comments and suggestions panel has started. Be it bad, be it good, let it all out and let us know what you think of the festival. If you feel so inclined you may also make suggestions for the future for us to consider. The closing ceremony has also ended, marking the official end to this year’s amazing festival. A big thank you to all the guests, panelists, volunteers, medias, merchants, artists, and, of course, attendees for coming around and making this festival a success! We will see you all again next year for our 8th edition, but also in various events and conventions before that throughout the year!
Where to eat during the festival?
To start things off, we were informed this morning that the Union of Support Employees of Université Laval is no longer on strike. Despite that, parking rules will remain as they were during the strike for Friday and Monday, which means we modified yesterday’s post yet again to reflect those changes:
With that being said, Nadeshicon starts tomorrow! We would like to take this opportunity to remind you that, despite everything going on, it is very important for you to stay hydrated, as well as sleep and eat. In the case of that last one, you really have no excuse; there’s food everywhere!
Starting on site, we have our very own Nadeshicon Café, situated in the Gaming Room, where you will be able to get hot dogs for a very low price. In the Dealers Room, you may find various merchants selling snacks of all kinds, as well as the Fanamanga serving various dishes and beverages at the counter. If that’s not enough, are also on site the Fou AELIÉS Café, the university pub, and the Chez Alphonse convenience store.
Just a short distance from the venue, one may find Place Ste-Foy and Place Laurier, both of which host a number of food counters, and Pyramide Ste-Foy, in which various restaurants do business. One such restaurant is Ogari San Sushi, which was sadly unable to be on site this year. Fear not, however, because they will be offering 15% off the menu if you show them your badge from our festival!
As you may have noticed by now, variety is really not an issue here, so go ahead and eat your fill! After all, having fun is good and all, but taking care of yourself is just as important! See you tomorrow!

Parking during the event, and 50% off badges on the Sunday of the festival!
Parking during the event, and 50% off badges on the Sunday of the festival!
(Modified again on March 31th due to parking rules remaining the same as previously, despite the Union of Support Employees of Université Laval not being on strike anymore)
Since the Union of Support Employees of Université Laval were on strike, policies regarding the parking lots on campus will be slightly different this year. First off, the usual free hours are unaffected; as such, all parking lots are free on Saturday and Sunday. On Friday, the 00 underground lot of Pavillon Desjardins-Pollack, where our event is held, will be free starting at 4:30pm. You may find more information regarding what lots are free when on this website, in French.
Outside of these free periods, rules are slightly different from usual. Parking lots that fall under categories #2 and #3 will be available to everyone free of charge, while lots under category #1, including the aforementionned underground lot, are reserved to owners of a parking permit. You may find more information regarding these rulings on this website.
To know what parking lots fall under which category, you may find a plan named « Règlement sur le stationnement » in the above page. #1 parkings lots are coloured grey, while #2 are blue and #3 are yellow.