HOSHI★FURU back at Nadeshicon 2017!

The date at which the 2017 Maid Café will be held has finally been revealed!
Winners of the art contest!

You may now pre-order your badges for Nadeshicon 2017!
L’Orchestre portable de jeux vidéo is back again for Nadeshicon 2017!
Drawing contest still in progress!
Artists tables have (already!) all been taken!
You guys have most likely set a new record for how fast they vanished! If you were unable to book a space in time, take note that we’ve set up a waiting list in case some tables freed themselves.
Thank you so very much for your interest in our event; it’s simply stunning!
Reservations are now open for the Dealers Room!
Drawing contest for our promotional poster, and date at which reservations for the Dealers’ Room will open!
Following last year’s success, we decided to reiterate the drawing contest for our promotional poster for Nadeshicon 2017! The requirements remain fairly the same, with the exception of this edition’s theme. Thus, your drawing will need the following :
- To star our two mascots, Nadeshiko and Saito.
- To have one of the two characters wear a traditional japanese outfit, with the other wearing something more modern.
- To follow the theme of luck, due to the fact that the year will end in 7.
- To be suitable for a general audience.
- To represent japanese culture well, since it is the main focus of our convention!
Of course, when talking about a contest, one has to mention the rewards. Unlike last year however, two winners will be selected, instead of one, although only the grand winner’s art will be used. As such, the second place winner will receive :
- One (1) table in our Dealers’ Room, or $50, to their discretion.
The first place winner will be granted :
- $50.
- Two (2) tables in our Dealers’ Room, each tradeable for $50 instead, to their discretion.
The art of the grand winner will be used for promotional purposes, such as the poster and t-shirts, for which no additional royalties will be awarded. However, as per its uses, it is a great opportunity for visibility, so don’t forget to sign your art! So it can be used for thoses purposes, we also require the grand winner to submit us a high-res, colored version, a PDF version, as well as a vectorial, black/white lineart version for the t-shirts, if possible. Since the poster will be in 11×17 format, please make sure the resolution of your drawing is in an adequate resolution.
You may find some of our previous posters and promotional pictures here, which may serve as both references and inspiration.
You have until December 1st 2016 to submit your art at [email protected]
Also, in other news, reservations for the Dealers’ Room for Nadeshicon 2017 will open on November 1st for merchants and artists alike, at which date the forms will be uploaded to our website. Don’t miss it, because those tables will be gone pretty quickly!
Best of luck to everyone!