HOSHI★FURU back at Nadeshicon 2017!

They were there in 2012. They were there in 2013. Next spring, HOSHI★FURU will be back to shake the whole Pavillon Alphonse-Desjardins building!
Mixing influences from J-pop, J-rock, visual kei, hardcore punk and metal, the Ontarian band is once again back on the road to share their music across the continent after launching their latest EP, “HOSHI★FURU 2”, last month.
You may read more about HOSHI★FURU in the Guests section!

The date at which the 2017 Maid Café will be held has finally been revealed!

The annual event held in February in Université Laval will once again be back this year, this time on February 19th!
With Japanese dishes, maids and butlers, the event is a resounding success every time. Don’t miss it! Speaking of which, if you would like to volunteer as a maid or butler for the event, be sure to email us at [email protected]. The more the merrier!
You may follow the Facebook Event page if you wish.

Winners of the art contest!

At long last, here are the winners of the art contest for the official poster of Nadeshicon 2017!
As you can imagine from all the beautiful works that were submitted to us, deciding on only two winners was no easy feat. With that being said, we are very happy to present to you the winners of this year’s art contest!
In second place, Anna Cee!
And the grand prize winner, Bich Ngoc Lam!
We would like to thank every artist who participated from the bottom of our hearts, and who submitted such gorgeous works. We are very honored to have such passionate fans, and we might have been a bit moved, seeing Nadeshiko and Saito in all those outfits and situations.
Congratulations to the winners and, again, a big thank you to everyone who participated!

You may now pre-order your badges for Nadeshicon 2017!

Quite the useful tool, pre-ordering allows you to reserve your badge, t-shirts, and bracelets for the masquerade and the OPJV, as well as avoid the lines to buy your badge on-site. Do consider giving the gift of love for the Japanese culture by ordering multiple badges for your loved ones!
You may pre-order badges, as well as find all the information pertaining to it, in the Pre-order section.

L’Orchestre portable de jeux vidéo is back again for Nadeshicon 2017!

The famous ensemble will once again be performing in salle Hydro-Québec come spring. Reaching out to the hearts of retro and modern gamers alike, the orchestra is a must-hear every year!
Also, if you just cannot wait until our event to assist to their performance, L’Orchestre de jeux vidéo will be playing at Québec City’s Palais Montcalm on March 4th. You may find more information regarding that on their event page.
You may also find more about the Orchestre in the Guests section.

Drawing contest still in progress!

You were unable to book an artist space in time, or simply want to see your art on display throughout Quebec City? Don’t give up yet! The drawing contest for the poster of the 2017 edition of our festival is still ongoing, and will be until December 1st! Prizes include artist tables in our Dealers Room, money, as well as the attention of several hundred people!
You may find all the details and requirements in our post from October 1st, linked right here!

Drawing contest for our promotional poster, and date at which reservations for the Dealers’ Room will open!

Following last year’s success, we decided to reiterate the drawing contest for our promotional poster for Nadeshicon 2017! The requirements remain fairly the same, with the exception of this edition’s theme. Thus, your drawing will need the following :

  • To star our two mascots, Nadeshiko and Saito.
  • To have one of the two characters wear a traditional japanese outfit, with the other wearing something more modern.
  • To follow the theme of luck, due to the fact that the year will end in 7.
  • To be suitable for a general audience.
  • To represent japanese culture well, since it is the main focus of our convention!

Of course, when talking about a contest, one has to mention the rewards. Unlike last year however, two winners will be selected, instead of one, although only the grand winner’s art will be used. As such, the second place winner will receive :

  • One (1) table in our Dealers’ Room, or $50, to their discretion.

The first place winner will be granted :

  • $50.
  • Two (2) tables in our Dealers’ Room, each tradeable for $50 instead, to their discretion.

The art of the grand winner will be used for promotional purposes, such as the poster and t-shirts, for which no additional royalties will be awarded. However, as per its uses, it is a great opportunity for visibility, so don’t forget to sign your art! So it can be used for thoses purposes, we also require the grand winner to submit us a high-res, colored version, a PDF version, as well as a vectorial, black/white lineart version for the t-shirts, if possible. Since the poster will be in 11×17 format, please make sure the resolution of your drawing is in an adequate resolution.

You may find some of our previous posters and promotional pictures here, which may serve as both references and inspiration.

You have until December 1st 2016 to submit your art at [email protected]

Also, in other news, reservations for the Dealers’ Room for Nadeshicon 2017 will open on November 1st for merchants and artists alike, at which date the forms will be uploaded to our website. Don’t miss it, because those tables will be gone pretty quickly!

Best of luck to everyone!

We will have our own tables during the Foire Geek!

Much like our flea market in past Kermesses, you will be able to sell your used articles through our services on Octobre 8th, so it’s the perfect opportunity to find new owners for your comics or your anime figures!
The rules are the same as in past events; we take a 20% cut on sold articles to help fund our festival. We don’t take anything on unsold articles, and return them to their owners.
So, if you want to sell through our services, you only need to bring your items to our tables and tell us at what price you wish to sell it, including our cut. In the case of numerous items, we would appreciate if you could bring a list of them, along with their prices, to accelerate the process. Excel format, on USB flash drive, is not necessary, but would be appreciated.
Oh, one last thing. Since Foire Geek will be replacing Kermesse this year, our usual Kermesse won’t happen. Sorry!