Guest of honour for Festival Nadeshicon 2015
We are very proud to announce the guest of honour for Festival Nadeshicon 2015: MIKA KOBAYASHI, popular singer from Japan, known for her songs in popular animes such as Attack on Titan, Kill la Kill and Blue Exorcist! Her powerful voice fitting intense and emotional scenes alike, she is sure to move you with her japanese, german and english lyrics.
We hope you are as eager as we are to greet her in Quebec City on April 17th, 18th and 19th!
For those of you who might not be very familiar with Mika Kobayashi’s work, you can watch her live performance of the song βίος, from the Guilty Crown anime:
If you would like to learn more about her and her songs, you can follow her on twitter @miccabose as well as take a look at her website.
Nadeshicon 2014 program!
The festival’s program is now available online!
You can download it here in PDF format.
Schedule of festival Nadeshicon 2014 and the end of pre-orders
The schedule for Festival Nadeshicon 2014 is finally ready to be revealed! Please take note that certain main events have been modified, including those of our Japanese guest of honor, MOON Kana’s Q&A among other guest panels.
Nadeshicon 2014 schedule (PDF)
You have until tonight 11:59 PM to reserve your badge online. Afterwards, it will only be possible to get it at the festival’s welcome desk.
Only 3 days remain before Festival Nadeshicon 2014!!!
Preorders for Festival Nadeshicon 2014
For everyone whoe wants to preorder their badge, here’s where you can do so:
A special lane will be available to accelerate your access to the festival!
Volunteers needed!
Festival Nadeshicon is looking for volunteers to assist us with our event. If there are people interested to assist our guests, cook items at our Nadeshicon Idol, welcome attendees and others at our welcome desk, hold the coat check, get involved in the costume contest (Masquerade) or many other positions, be sure to follow the link below for further instructions.
After six hours of volunteering, your badge is reimbursed, you get a free t-shirt inspired from our main poster and a snack to thank you for your help.
It will be a pleasure to see you among us be it an attendee, a collaborator, a volunteer, a merchant, an artist, an exhibitor or a guest!
Nadeshicon Idol rules at Festival Nadeshicon 2014
Your voice resonates well with the crowd.
You know how to move with the rhythm of music.
You can sing in Japanese.
If all the above represents who you are, you are the perfect candidate for the first edition of Nadeshicon Idol!
Here is an example of what we are looking for, taken from Anime North Idol 2013 (newcomers and experienced entries welcome).
Rules Read More
Festival Nadeshicon 2014 : Rules for the masquerade
Are you talented in recreating costumes worn by characters from Japanese animation series or video games?
Here are a few examples of “Cosplay” (A play of words of “Costume” and “Play”) :
You can watch the masquerade held at Festival Nadeshicon 2013.
Would you like to share your talent on stage?
Do you want to participate in the masquerade held by Festival Nadeshicon 2014?
Here are a few rules to follow if you want to enter this grand event :
Read More
Gaming room “mini-Warpzone” and “meet” room
We invite you to discover the schedule of our gaming room the “mini-Warpzone” sponsored by La Planque Jeux Vidéo and the events Le Warpzone. The schedule is attached further below.
Many groups have shown an interest to gather during Festival Nadeshicon 2014. We have decided to acknowledge them by inaugurating a schedule for these people to get together and share their interests, be it about Touhou, Lolita, certain anime series, etc. Be sure to check the images below for their schedule!
Facebook link to our sponsors:
Revealing of the official poster of Festival Nadeshicon 2014!
It’s now time to reveal the official poster of Festival Nadeshicon 2014! The event will be April 4th to 6th, so in 40 days!! Will you be ready for its arrival?
Thank you Véronique Thibault for the poster.
Thank you Studio Tiki for the silver sponsorship!