🎉GUEST | Club de Shodo de Québec 🎉

Under the direction of calligraphy master Shoho Teramoto, the Espace Japon shodo club at Université Laval is learning the basics of classical Japanese calligraphy, this thousand-year-old art as popular as painting.

Active since 2017, the shodo club currently has about 30 members. Last fall, their first calligraphy exhibition, held at a gallery in Quebec City, welcomed over 900 visitors.

Japanese calligraphy is often used to write poems, maxims and proverbs, as well as names and titles for works of art. Characters are drawn with brushes and ink on paper or fabric. Each line and dot expresses a feeling, a state of mind.

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about this unique art of beautiful writing!

🎉GUEST | Alexandre Jouan 🎉

Contemplative by nature and a fan of long hikes, Alexandre Jouan chose to explore Japan by walking the 1,200 km pilgrimage of the 88 temples on the island of Shikoku, a journey that dates back to the Heian period. 🗾 

He recounts this exceptional adventure, both human and spiritual, in the book “Shikoku, corps et âme”, which has just been published by Éditions Amalthée. He had previously contributed to the chapter dedicated to Shikoku in the guide “Fabuleux Japon” , published by Éditions Ulysse.

Passionate about classical literature and ancient arts, Alexandre has been studying the Way of Writing (Shodō) for many years with Master Shoho Teramoto. He participated in the exhibition “Québec, Japon et moi”, which showcased the works of Master Teramoto and his students, held in Québec last September at the Galerie du Trait-Carré in Charlesbourg. A second exhibition, featuring new works, is currently underway at the Ozu Washi Gallery in Tokyo.

Come and discover his great adventure at his panel! 🚶


Post-mortem and survey!

Attendees, volunteers, staff and everyone else are invited to participate at the post-mortem of Festival Nadeshicon 2018. It will take place May 5th at 1:00 P.M. You can come participate at room 3105 at the Maurice-Pollack Pavilion at Université Laval. This will allow us to create an even better edition for 2019.

Also, here is a link for a small survey that will allow us to take the pulse of whether you came to Festival Nadeshicon or not, and of your interests.

Regarding the new location

Many of you have, rightfully so, raised questions and worries regarding our move to Quebec City’s Convention Centre for Nadeshicon 2019. We would like to take some time and address some of them.
Most likely the most important and noticeable change that will come with the new location is the space allocated to each and every activities. In the past, some rooms, especially the show room and Dealers Room, have suffered from severe lack of space. The Convention Centre will allow for a much more adequate area to be dedicated to them and people participating in them. We are especially glad we will be able to welcome more artists in the Dealers Room from now on, as they were hit the hardest by space restrictions.
Panels and screenings will also benefit from more freedom. Regulations being more lax at the Convention Centre, certain types of content that were either declined or had their presentation altered to respect the rules will have a lot more breathing room from now on.
Following the same vibe, cosplay props and accessories will also suffer from fewer restrictions, due to the venue not being an educational institution anymore. Gun Gale Online cosplayers rejoice!
Amongst the most discussed aspects of the move, pricing was without a doubt the most common. While we cannot go into any details yet, the new location will make implementing single-day tickets a lot easier due to it not being a public establishment like our previous venue. However, parking will inevitably be more expensive as some of you pointed out.
And last but not least, we heard concerns in regards to the atmosphere of the convention. We strongly believe that you will still find the same homely, warm atmosphere you have come to expect from our event. The location may change, but the core of the festival remains in you and us.
This move is, as you may guess, an exciting new chapter for us. A lot of the aspects that make up the event need to be re-evaluated or even rebuilt from scratch, which is why we can’t go into a lot of details just yet. We can only really ask that you keep an eye on our page as we cross this bridge over the next 12 or so months, and join us on this journey to a brave new world~

And thus ends this 8th edition of Festival Nadeshicon!

With its wide variety of charismatic guests from all around the continent, a show room packed so full with content our IT team no longer understands what rest is, passionate panelists who shared their love for a wide variety of topics, ranging from how technology can be used for cosplay to a lesson about shogi, a huge team of volunteers who oiled this gargantuan machine of an event, wondeful staff who prepared the various aspects and activites you enjoyed, and of course, the amazing attendees who rocked Université Laval during this weekend.
Thank you all for coming, we hope you had a blast. See you next year, this time in Quebec City’s convention center!

Nadeshicon starts tomorrow!

We would like to take this opportunity to remind you that, despite everything going on, it is very important for you to stay hydrated, to sleep and to eat. When it comes to eating, you really have no excuse; there’s food everywhere!
Starting on site, we have our very own Nadeshicon Café, situated in the Gaming Room, where you will be able to get hot dogs and donuts for a very low price. In the Dealers Room, you may find the Fanamanga serving various dishes and beverages at the counter. Are also on site the Fou AELIÉS Café, the university pub, and the Chez Alphonse convenience store.
Just a short distance from the venue, one may find Place Ste-Foy and Place Laurier, both of which host a number of food counters, and Pyramide Ste-Foy, in which various restaurants do business. Also right next to the campus is La Cuisine Ludique, the gaming restaurant that is helping us with the Gaming Room this year! Head over there and enjoy the atmosphere, as well as the delicious comfort food.
Variety is really not an issue here, so go ahead and eat your fill! After all, having fun is good and all, but taking care of yourself is just as important! See you tomorrow!

Boutique Imaginaire to host a raffle at Nadeshicon!

Imaginaire, your one stop for geek and otaku products in Quebec City, will be hosting 3 raffles during Nadeshicon! Stop by their table in the atrium of the festival to receive one ticket to put toward one of them!
But that’s not all! Visit their store and show your Nadeshicon badge to get 10% off their Manga section, as well as two additional tickets for the raffles! And it’s really close to the venue, too! Don’t miss out on this chance to win awesome prizes, and buy some nice stuff at a discount!

Association de Chado Urasenke Tankokai de Québec will be hosting the tea ceremony!

You know, sometimes a festival can be a bit hectic, so how about a quick break from it? Its roots deep within Japanese culture, tea has developped, over the centuries, its own customs and traditions. The tea ceremony, through which they take shape, will allow you to escape the craze of the con and live a peaceful and enlightening experience.
You may find the Association de Chado Urasenke Tankokai de Québec’s bio in the Guests section.